Species Modelled




Sampling Events

7.52M +


Click on a region to view a regional summary

Infographic about removal modelling process to go here.

In the mean time, click some of the submenus under "Removal" to view some graphs!

How to Interpret

The plots on the left display the probability that a bird gives a cue (availability, p), modelled by Ordinal Day (OD) and Time-since-local-sunrise (TSSR). Use the sliders to see how the availability curve changes with different values of OD and TSSR. The table below ranks the models for this particular species based on AIC from most parsimonious to least parsimonious.

Infographic about distance sampling process to go here.

In the mean time, click some of the submenus under "Distance" to view some graphs!

How to Interpret

The plot on the left displays the conditional probability that a bird is perceived, provided it gives a cue ("q", y-axis), modelled by survey radius (x-axis). NA-POPS considers 5 candidate models for deriving q and EDR that model different combinations of roadside status (on- vs. off-road) and forest coverage (forest vs. non-forest). The q curve for each of these models can be viewed with the tabs above the plot. The table below ranks the models for this particular species based on AIC from most parsimonious to least parsimonious.

How to Interpret

The plot on the left displays the effective detection radius ("EDR", y-axis). NA-POPS considers 5 candidate models for deriving q and EDR that model different combinations of roadside status (on- vs. off-road) and forest coverage (forest vs. non-forest). The table below ranks the models for this particular species based on AIC from most parsimonious to least parsimonious.